Comparison and Condemnation – Peyton McNamara


Dear friends, don’t be discouraged in the place where you are with the Lord. Don’t let your desire to know Him more and be closer to Him turn into self-condemnation and disappointment for the place you’re in right now. Many of times, I can discourage myself and think, “I wish I had faith like so and so” or “I wish I knew God like they do.” It’s not bad to have people you look up to in life and who encourage and inspire you. They are such precious examples that are VITAL to our lives, so don’t misunderstand me; role models and mentors are so important. But, the devil uses comparison to tell some of his nastiest and most dangerous lies. Last night I was listening to a song written by someone I look up to and admire so much, and in one of the verses she sang, “I’m so glad I’m learning to trust you,” and the Lord revealed to me that we are all just learning to trust Jesus more.


Nobody has figured Him out or learned how to have a perfect faith, no matter how they look on the outside or seem to be. Everyone is still learning to trust Jesus more, and that’s the whole point of all of this, y’all: to know Him more. I just wanted to encourage y’all that everyone has their struggles, their doubts, and their unbelief, so don’t self-condemn. Believe that God will discipline you as His child, and don’t pile unnecessary condemnation on yourself. Comparison will steal from the calling on your life and the treasures Jesus has for YOU. So, delight in the fact that the Lord says He loves us just as we are, and know we’re all just learning to trust Him more.

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