But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? (1 John 3:17) We desire to reach out to the hurting in our community and minister to their needs because as Jesus said, we believe that when we are doing this, we are ministering to Him. It His heart of compassion in us by His Holy Spirit that leads us in doing this.
Prison Ministry
Prison ministry teams are active at both the Elayn Hunt Correctional Center and Angola Prison. A weekly men’s Bible study is held at Hunt where the Word of God is taught and brings encouragement to the saved while also giving opportunity for the lost to hear the Gospel. At Angola, a monthly worship service is held which is open to both men and women volunteers and gives the opportunity to encourage attendees through prayer, song, exhortation and preaching the Word of God. This is a blessing not only to those at Angola, but also serves to build our faith and provides the opportunity for volunteers to grow in their ministry gifting. If you would like more information about the FNT Prison Ministry, please contact the church’s front office to leave your name and phone number.
We also take part in the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison Ministry and Aftercare Program. This program is implemented through True Freedom Discipleship program where we meet with ladies once a week and disciple them in the Word of God. Each session is a journey on coming to know Christ more; to have an understanding of who we are in Christ and how we are to live a life more like Jesus. The biblical teachings set a firm foundation in Christ, bringing about a personal relationship with Jesus, equipping them with the tools to combat the trials and tribulations of the outside world. Once released, they have the opportunity to receive the same discipleship here at FNT under the mentor/aftercare program. If you are interested in helping with this please see Marcelle Nipper.
Disaster Relief
FNT has had the opportunity to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those in our area who have suffered from hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters. We’ve been able to be a distribution center for needs and receive supplies from churches around the nation and also to work to rebuild homes and lives of those affected. We are “on the ready” for God to use us in our area and with churches around the nation in areas that are affected by disasters.
Sick or Shut-In
It is our desire to visit and pray with those suffering at home and in our local hospitals. God has answered many prayers of healing and deliverance.