Lazarus was a friend of Jesus and one day he became very sick. His sisters, who knew Jesus as well, sent for Him because they knew that Jesus could heal him. But the Bible makes this interesting statement: “Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when he heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was” John 11: 5-6. HE STAYED. Wait…what? Jesus knows Lazarus is dying and yet he stayed where he was. HE LOVED THEM. But he stayed.


When Jesus eventually does show up, it had been 4 days and Lazarus is now dead. Mary and Martha, on separate occasions, approach Jesus and say the same thing: “Lord, if you would’ve been here, my brother wouldn’t have died.” They had all faith that He was a healer. But Jesus loved them all enough to show them something greater about Himself that they didn’t know before. In fact, He even tells His disciples that “for your sake I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe” (John 11:14-15). He even says “this illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it” (John 11:4).


They knew He was the healer. But now they would experience Him as the robber of graves, as the one who has the power to raise the dead. AND HE DID. He raised Lazarus from the dead!

Jesus received the glory. In fact, He was more glorified by raising Lazarus from the dead that by simply healing him.


Now I reflect on my own life and the precious people around me. My father-in-law passed away recently. There are those in my church that are walking through physical pain and others in times that are in times of difficulty. There is heartache and there is pain. There are tears and waves of emotion. And it is so easy in my flesh to say, “God, I know better than You. Surely You would be most glorified if such and such happens.”


But oh, how little I understand at times. I don’t see the outcome. God does. I don’t see the whole picture. God does. It’s like a person training for some physical competition. Does the process of training hurt? Yes. Are you tired? Yes. But the result of hard training will produce a better athlete and a more prepared individual for whatever is to come. In the moment I may be in pain, but God know it has the potential to work something great in me.


What if Jesus had simply healed Lazarus? Yes, He would have been glorified, but the people wouldn’t have seen the greater glory. They wouldn’t have seen a dead man raised through the power and authority of Jesus. And what a sight! I mean, picture that!


What I also love about this passage in John about Lazarus is that Jesus wept. He didn’t enjoy watching the people He loved suffer. He didn’t find it enjoyable to watch Lazarus die. He wept for them, but He know that He was going to work something in them and through them for His glory and for the good in their lives.


God doesn’t enjoy watching those He creation in pain. He loves you and me, but He also longs to produce something in you and me for His glory and for the good in us. BUT I HAVE TO LET HIM. Jesus asked them to roll the stone away so that Lazarus could walk out, but what if they hadn’t. What if they didn’t believe Jesus? What if the heartache and pain was too much and they just walked away?


You may be in pain today. You may be suffering today, but if we say “no” to Jesus in these moments, we will surely miss out on the miracle God wanted to produce in and though us in those moments. We will miss out on the “greater glory”.


Don’t let your trial be wasted. Don’t say “no” to Jesus. Let Him produce life in you so you can give that to others in their time of suffering. So while you or I may be suffering today, look unto Jesus. Hold on dear sister. Hold on dear brother. Sometimes the greater glory doesn’t come about the way I wanted it or the way I imagined it. His ways are surely not our ways. And it’s hard sometimes.


Nevertheless, I long to walk out of trial and look more like Jesus than I did going in. I long to walk out of the fire and not smell like smoke. I long for Jesus to be glorified in and through my life. Will trials come? Absolutely. Will difficult times arrive? Guaranteed. Will I look more like Jesus coming out of them? That’s my choice. Remember that the people around Jesus didn’t have to roll the stone away, but they chose to believe Jesus. They chose to trust Him. Trust in Jesus today. Let Him fill your heart today. He’s so wonderful.


Rachel Carter

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