It is no secret, we do live in very difficult and potentially discouraging moments. And perhaps, they will become more and more difficult. But, beloved, we must not find ourselves seeking to escape this moment! We have been created and birthed of God for THIS moment! 


God’s Kingdom is an EVER-ADVANCING Kingdom. That means that at all times, in any case, and on any occasion Jesus is seeking to further His kingdom in the lives of men. He desires incessantly, relentlessly and perpetually to see His rule and reign established in the hearts of people! His desires today to see this Kingdom advanced are no different than they were 2,000 years ago when the church was birthed. 


Perhaps you’re tempted to say, “THIS particular season in which we live is PROBLEMATIC – conditions are not conducive for the advancing of the kingdom of God in and through our lives!” I would initially agree! However, this has not taken God by surprise… GOD is VERY intentional in allowing the things that He does. And, PERHAPS He has allowed it to be this way for a greater unveiling of His glory in the earth! 


As you look throughout both biblical and post-biblical history, you will see that “problematic” seasons and circumstances have always proved to be DIVINE OPPORTUNITIES for the church to bring glory to God!  


The early church in Acts 3 and 4, when first faced with persecution and threats did NOT pray for God to help them to ESCAPE the moment. Rather, they prayed for God to give them the GRACE and POWER they needed to THRIVE IN the moment! Beloved, we should find ourselves as they did, not seeking to escape these moments of difficulty or hardship, but seeking to escape our unbelief and our unwillingness to allow God to do what He desires! 


We cannot succumb to fear! If God has called us to live in this moment (and He HAS) then He has provided ABUNDANT GRACE for us to ENDURE and more importantly THRIVE in this moment! God has provided GREAT GRACE for us to be VIBRANT testimonies for Jesus in THIS hour! 


There is NEVER a moment when God is not DESIRING and ABLE to advance and further His kingdom in the earth. And He has chosen to accomplish such a feat through us! God has always cooperated (co-labored) with His people to see this plan realized. HE (not we) have designed it this way!  It is through us – weak, sometimes weary, and in the world’s eyes seemingly insignificant people that God WILL further His purposes! 


We must believe that His kingdom can be furthered and advanced through our lives in spite of the conditions of our day! God is NOT confined by the conditions of our hour! The culture – in spite of how Godless or dark it becomes – does not dictate what God can or cannot do through His people! 


The first century church from its conception to its end suffered massive waves of opposition and persecution. But look at the testimony that came out of that church! 


Beloved of God, I’m not telling you that you need to enjoy the buffetings of Satan – but I am telling you that you should expect God to be glorified in the midst of them!


Although seasons and circumstances may change, the eternal purposes of God for His people do not! In spite of what comes, we must CONTINUE to be a witness to the things which we have seen and heard so that OTHERS might see and hear!  


Times of famine, persecution and opposition did not prevent the early church from accomplishing her mission. There was a DIVINE ENERGY at work in the lives of that people that PROPELLED them through adversity and motivated them to live, work and die (if need be) for the glory of God! 


They would not be quickly shaken – they had seen and heard too much! Though not fully aware, they had been fully prepared for these moments – they had been with Jesus. Unbecoming circumstances and unrelenting spiritual foes could not cause them to quit or to be quiet! They had been touched by another world – therefore, nothing in this one could cause them to fret, fear or faint! The God of Heaven had caused their souls to triumph and the god of this world could not defeat them. 


Their advancement and success was not predicated on their performance of religion but the presence of Christ. HE (by His presence) made all the difference. He was their strength, stability and source of comfort – just as He promised He would be!  


GREAT GRACE was the IDENTITY and INFLUENCE of that people – may it be ours!!! May we be able to declare that it is, “IN HIM that we LIVE, MOVE, and have our BEING!”


God, in THIS generation, just as in every generation past, has incredible purposes and intentions that defy our grandest imaginations! And He desires to see those things come to fruition through us as His people. As we cooperate with Him in faith His kingdom is furthered and advanced beyond its previous reach. 


The kingdom of God will be ever advancing until His plan culminates in the perfect and complete rule and reign of Christ. Will you be a part of that advancement?


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