Carla Shipp – May 22, 2020


So many times in our desire to be “fishers of men” and to share the Word of God, we act in our own strength and knowledge, often unsuccessful in our endeavors. At least I can say that this has been my own experience and failure. Maybe we seek to apply a method that worked for someone else or a tactic we learned that was successful in the past, but to no avail.


Our desire is sincere. So what can we do? Speak what I’ve seen and heard! I’ve been praying for God to make me a “fisher of men” for that was Jesus’ promise to his disciples (Matthew 4:19). I want to share with you what I feel He has placed in my heart for my own life and I believe for all followers of Jesus.


The disciples saw Jesus : on a daily basis they witnessed His love, power and wisdom, they saw Him touch a leper and speak hope to those in despair, they saw Him walk out of His way to sit by a well, to bring living water to a rejected Samaritan woman.  The disciples heard Jesus: on a daily basis they heard Him talk to His father, they heard Him amazed the crowds with His doctrine, they listened as He confounded and silenced the Pharisees with His wisdom and understanding.


In all that they witnessed, it was not until they received the promise Power of the Holy Spirit, that all that was in their hearts and minds poured forth in such an anointing that made the Pharisees say, “they have been with Jesus!”( Acts 4: 8-21).


Dear believer, what have you seen and heard? Are we walking daily, listening to what God is saying? Are we hearing Him in His Word? Are we taking notice of what God is doing on a daily basis? It’s so easy to be distracted, but WE NEED TO HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!


Jesus asks His disciples a question in Matthew 16: 13-20. “Who do men say that I am.”  And then, “Who do you say that I am?”  Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!” This answer was the basis for Jesus’ statement, “upon this rock I will build my church…” We have to answer this question, not just with our intellect, but with what we know to be true in our hearts and our experience. We have to have a testimony of Jesus (a record, evidence in support of a fact or statement). Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean a rehearsed, planned message, but a living message from a relationship that is alive in His Spirit and in communion with the Lord. He will supply the words. That’s what He did for His disciples. Even Paul, who was learned and experienced in scripture asked the church to pray that utterance would be given to him to preach the gospel (Colossians 4: 3-4).


We as the church need to know who Jesus is, not just in theory or in history, but who He is to us, to me and you. It is out of this knowledge (intimacy), that “what we have seen and heard” will come forth. “The Holy Spirit will take what is mine and show it unto you!”


Take a moment and meditate on what you’ve seen and heard of Jesus in your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal more.


Redeemer, Ransom, Friend, Savior, Healer, Brother, Peace, High Priest, Righteousness, Propitiation, Atonement, Deliverer, The Word, Creator, Soon Coming King…


This is your testimony. What have you seen and heard? This is what will make men marvel and desire to know for themselves. They will know that you’ve been with Jesus!







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